Tag Archives: interracial dating

An Interview on Interracial Dating : White Girl, Asian man

Tiff_Ellis (2)

Interview with real people… Tiff Ellis

I had the pleasure of interviewing this girl on the subject of interracial dating. All her previous relationships were with Asian men of Filipino descent and Tiff herself is a born and bred Aussie.

Local Culture Guide (LCG): So Tiff, what do you think of interracial dating?

Tiff: I think it is socially acceptable nowadays, I feel that young generations do whatever they want. I think in the past the older generation will look at it differently.


LCG: Why do you find Asian Filipino men attractive?

Tiff: I guess I’m attracted to people who look different than myself, I find it more appealing.

LCG: Do you find it challenging to date Asian men?

Tiff: Not really, for example the guy that I’m seeing, he is born in Australia so in a sense he is Australian. I guess as he’s quite westernized and he doesn’t have an accent, it makes it so much easier to connect emotionally. I just don’t think I can date someone who has a strong accent or strong cultural tradition such as Indians or Jewish for example. I think dating people who are raised here and someone who has multicultural friends are easier to date as they are more open minded and their values are filtered down.

LCG: Thanks for the insights Tiff! As an Australian, what do you guys think of Asian people?

Tiff: Oh gosh, I think there’s this stereotype that Asians are smart and they wanted to settle down. They are less into casual sex when compared to say, white Australian men. However the downside is Asian men could be a bit possessive. However, on the upside, they tend to want to make things official if they want to be in a relationship with you.

LCG: Ok, lastly, what do you think of Asian girls dating white men?

Tiff: To me it’s fine, as long as the motives are clear and that they have good intentions. I’ve seen older white men marrying younger Asian women and I would question the Asian women’s motives. Do you get married because you wanted to get a visa and enter the country or do you actually, genuinely, fell in love with the man? That’s important.

LCG: Thanks for your time Tiff and for the great insights! If there’s any questions about interracial dating, please feel free to post them here. We’d do our best to answer them.

What’s your experience with dating someone who’s ethnically different to you?

Why Asian Girls Date White Men

Following to the post that was written about White Men’s Dating Guide to Asian Girls, I thought we should continue on the topic of interracial dating.

You see it everywhere, Asian girls dating white men. It’s becoming more and more commonplace these days. You might be wondering what is it that made Asian girls go crazy on white men?

There could be a few reasons:

Asian girl white man

  • They obviously like something different to themselves

Whether it’s the looks or how white men carry themselves that are appealing to Asian girls. There is also a well known joke between Asians that if you have babies with whites, then you are improving the child’s future with good looks. Here’s a pic of what you could have if you have Eurasian kids:

eurasian kids

White men are also known to be a lot more confident and easy going than Asian men. They just seemed to be having a jolly good time almost all the time, until you piss them off. In comparison, Asian men are known to be a bit more serious, possessive and too protective. They might say things like “be careful, don’t hurt yourself” or “be careful, you don’t know these people, don’t hang out with them”.


  • As a sign of rebellion

Some Asian girls date white men despite the girl’s parents disapproving to prove a point that they can do whatever they want and they are old enough to make their own decisions. Asian parents could be quite strict when it comes to who their children spouses should be. They prefer it if their children could get married to someone from their own culture and background. There could be a couple reasons to this.

white men drinking problem

First, Asian parents will feel a lot more comfortable to speak to someone from their own race. As racist as it may sound, but the Asian older generation are brought up to think that westerners are out of control and they tend to have a drinking problem (whereas Asians tend to have overeating problem but they don’t want to admit it). Westerners are also prone to PDA (showing public display of affection) which further fuels the image of white men being womanizers.

old asian joke 2

Second, Asian parents might have trouble in speaking a language that may not be native to them. The majority of Asians born overseas outside of Western countries don’t speak much English and if they migrate to say, Australia usually they would prefer to only hang out with other Asians, as that allows them to be more comfortable speaking in their own native tounge. If their kids grew up in Australia, they tend to have friends from different cultures including whites. Because these kids grew up with Western values, to some degree they are less Asian and thus are more open to dating someone from a different race. Some Asian parents will be open to this interracial relationships, but some from the get go will give an ultimatum or a warning saying that they will not approve of the relationship.

  • Freedom


This is a big thing especially those girls who are born adventurous by nature, they would prefer to date people with the same outlook, ie. white men because they are not as possessive or as controlling than Asian men. They also tend to be more supportive in your interests. White men are also more open to trying new activities and are not afraid to take a piss at themselves when they fail at it, as all is in the name of good fun.

  • Personality

Westerners grew up being supported more in whatever that they want to do later in life, so they tend to have their own views and come across as having more opinions on different subjects, which makes it interesting and appealing to Asian girls. They would be perceived as having more personality than Asian men.

old asian joke

Asians grew up following a set of rigorous rules, such as how to behave properly in public, try not to be embarrassing by avoiding talking loudly in public or keeping the display of emotions to a minimum. They also grew up being conditioned that if you don’t have a corporate job, then it is not really a job. They also knew that the following jobs would make their parents proud and happy, thus elevating their social status as a family: engineering, doctors, lawyers, finance, banking or business owners.

Thus Asian men grew up being more focused in getting the right things in place, job, house and a nice girl to settle down with. While white men may focus more on what’s at the present, “whatever comes” as they say, they also would prefer to travel the world getting exposed to different cultures as much as they could, before even thinking to settling down.

White Men’s Guide to Dating Asian Girls

For those of you white men who are intrigued by Asian girls, attracted to Asian girls, fantasize about them and want to have an Asian girlfriend then first you need to read the below tips/ guide.

While the below may be relevant to any girls regardless of culture, the below seems especially relevant when it comes to Asian women.

  1. Asian women love food. This is a no brainer. Take her to a nice restaurant that will blow her socks off and do not be a cheapskate.

Asian woman eats cake

If you want to impress an Asian woman, you need to take her to a nice restaurant. Simples. Good restaurants that have reputable names with nice food and good ambience will usually blow her away. Unlike girls from other ethnicities, if you take her to a cheap restaurant or worse, to a pub on a first date, they sure won’t be impressed. Take mental note.

  1. Asian women like to be taken care of.

man offer water

If the weather outside is getting cold, offer her your coat or jacket straight away even you’d be dead freezing after. If she’s with you at a party and a bit drunk, get her a glass of water, regardless of whether she wants it or not at the time. That’s correct. Even though she might not take them at the end, but they will take note of this gesture and secretly, without knowing you have actually scored yourself up some pretty good points in her eyes.

  1. Asian women like men to do stuff for them.

Despite more and more Asian women becoming financially independent, due to the way that they are being raised (parents doing stuff for them) they like their man in general to do things for them. This could be little things like offering to take her bag when it’s too heavy or giving her a piggyback when her feet were sore from wearing heels all night. Hey, little things count.

  1. Asian women like knowing that you care.

asian women texting

Now they might like you messaging them every couple of seconds to check in on them, but they prefer ongoing communication than sporadic/ on-off communication. Asians like consistencies.

There’s almost this unspeakable rule that what you say equals a promise. That’s why sometimes Asians can’t take jokes or they appear too serious as they really value what you say as opposed to westerners that do jokes all the time and not taking life too seriously.

To show Asian girls that you care, let her know what you’re up to even though she may not ask. Tell her who you’re with when you’re out when she’s not there. It shows that you care and you are thinking of them. They will appreciate this.

  1. Asian women pay attention to how you take care of yourself


Whilst some culture are more lenient, Asian women could be quite harsh when it comes to certain guys that they want to date based on looks and how they dress. They like men who can dress well, close to being metrosexual even as it indicates that they follow the trend (which Asians like in general) and they are taking care of themselves.

Now this may sound slightly racist but I don’t know a lot of Asian women that find beards attractive. Not just stubble but full on beards that are currently on trend with the hipsters. Asian men if you think about it, don’t really have a lot of facial hair so if you have a beard, Asian women will associate you with some animal from the zoo. Of course this doesn’t apply to all Asian women, especially those who are more westernized but I’m speaking in general terms.

How’s that for a guide? Let us know if you’ve had any luck after reading these tips 😉 oh and questions are welcome!